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Limitations of Group Chinese Lessons

The limitations of group chinese lessons are as follows:

The group chinese lessons mainly consist of too strong adjustment and unity, and the group chinese lessons are too standardized, synchronized and collectivized. Group chinese lessons are not well adapted to the individual differences of students, and it is not easy to develop the full potential of students, which is not conducive to the development of students' interests, specialties and their individual talents. Due to economic constraints and insufficient teachers, many areas in China have made the class too large. This makes it difficult for teachers to take into account the multi-level and multi-level needs of students of different levels and different characteristics, which makes the disadvantages of the class teaching system particularly prominent.

First, teaching activities are mostly dominated by teachers, and the initiative and independence of students' learning are limited to a certain extent.

Second, the way students learn is mainly receptive learning, which is not conducive to cultivating students' exploration spirit, creativity and practical ability.

Third, time, content, and processes are programmed and fixed, making it difficult to accommodate more content and methods in teaching activities.

Fourth, because the "class" is the activity unit, and the "class" has time limit, some complete textbook content is often artificially separated to meet the requirements of the "class".

Fifth, the teaching is oriented to the whole class, and the pace is unified. It is difficult to take care of the individual differences of students, which is not conducive to teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. This is also one of the most vulnerable criticisms of group chinese lessons.

Emphasis on the study of systematic book knowledge is likely to lead to the disconnection between theory and practice.

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Limitations of Group Chinese Lessons